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English Speak English
Autor Mensaje
diy03 Desconectado
Suprem@ del foro

Mensajes: 3,124
Ingreso: Nov 2010
Mensaje: #21
RE: English Speak English
Ohh it was very interesting! Answering to your question I think i will put the Christmas tree in december.. Know I'm too busy with my studies so i don't have time to go shopping all the decoration Confused

Do you have bought all the Christmas gifts?? I don't know what can I buy!!

Gordis ....................... Gordis
15-11-2010 16:42 PM

bolboreta Desconectado

Mensajes: 4,289
Ingreso: Apr 2010
Mensaje: #22
RE: English Speak English
I have bought some gifts but I need think about other gifts for my brother. I am happy becouse today the postman have given to me a body lotion of a promotion that I put in the subforum "Muestras/Promociones/Ofertas" , besides, have 400 ml, is very well.

Todo pasa por y para algo...
Gracias S.J.T.
17-11-2010 20:16 PM

bolboreta Desconectado

Mensajes: 4,289
Ingreso: Apr 2010
Mensaje: #23
RE: English Speak English
I have any problems whith prepositions in English and I have found some videos that speak about this. See!

A very simple video:

A better explication and exercises:

Todo pasa por y para algo...
Gracias S.J.T.
19-11-2010 17:57 PM

Sirenita Desconectado
Maestr@ del foro

Mensajes: 2,458
Ingreso: Sep 2010
Mensaje: #24
RE: English Speak English
Life allows us to make a lot of mistakes, except the mistake that destroys us.
Paulo Coelho

Visita mi Blog:
19-11-2010 18:28 PM
www Buscar

diy03 Desconectado
Suprem@ del foro

Mensajes: 3,124
Ingreso: Nov 2010
Mensaje: #25
RE: English Speak English
Where do you fine all this videos!! It's time to improve my English, I'll see all of them Big Grin
sorry, it's not fine, it's find jaja

Gordis ....................... Gordis
20-11-2010 14:05 PM

Sirenita Desconectado
Maestr@ del foro

Mensajes: 2,458
Ingreso: Sep 2010
Mensaje: #26
RE: English Speak English
One two threee..four and five....i´m a english girl!!!

Visita mi Blog:
20-11-2010 14:41 PM
www Buscar

garconn42 Desconectado

Mensajes: 6,185
Ingreso: Jul 2010
Mensaje: #27
RE: English Speak English
Ho my Good, this post enables me practice as can be posible. I have the firs certificaqted since 1994 but i dont practice.
20-11-2010 15:02 PM

bolboreta Desconectado

Mensajes: 4,289
Ingreso: Apr 2010
Mensaje: #28
RE: English Speak English
I found this videos in Youtube while I am looking for videos about prepositions in English, and this canal of Youtube is very good.

Quotations about Beauty

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. ~Confucius

A woman who cannot be ugly is not beautiful. ~Karl Kraus

Do I love you because you're beautiful,
Or are you beautiful because I love you?
~Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, Cinderella

Beauty is the promise of happiness. ~Stendhal

Wisdom is the abstract of the past, but beauty is the promise of the future. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Beauty... is the shadow of God on the universe. ~Gabriela Mistral, Desolacíon

Beauty... when you look into a woman's eyes and see what is in her heart. ~Nate Dircks

You can take no credit for beauty at sixteen. But if you are beautiful at sixty, it will be your soul's own doing. ~Marie Stopes

Beauty - in projection and perceiving - is 99.9% attitude. ~Grey Livingston

Beauty?... To me it is a word without sense because I do not know where its meaning comes from nor where it leads to. ~Pablo Picasso

Todo pasa por y para algo...
Gracias S.J.T.
22-11-2010 19:51 PM

bolboreta Desconectado

Mensajes: 4,289
Ingreso: Apr 2010
Mensaje: #29
RE: English Speak English
What will you do this weekend?

I work this saturday but at the night I will go to the restaurant whith a coupon of Letsbonus very cheap Jijiji

Todo pasa por y para algo...
Gracias S.J.T.
24-11-2010 18:24 PM

garconn42 Desconectado

Mensajes: 6,185
Ingreso: Jul 2010
Mensaje: #30
RE: English Speak English
I very bussy this week end. When finish the month usually be like this. I like go to the wood to searching mushrooms.
I hope you enjoy the weekend.
The another week i hope take a trip a few days.
24-11-2010 18:36 PM

diy03 Desconectado
Suprem@ del foro

Mensajes: 3,124
Ingreso: Nov 2010
Mensaje: #31
RE: English Speak English
I think i'll go to the cinema. I want to see the last film of Harry Potter because i could't go last week. Have you watch it?

Gordis ....................... Gordis
24-11-2010 20:23 PM

gominola Desconectado
Diplomad@ del foro

Mensajes: 705
Ingreso: Nov 2010
Mensaje: #32
RE: English Speak English
Merry Christmas!!!

"I cannot reach the stars,
yet they come down to me,
in every little snowflake
a little star I see."
24-12-2010 12:44 PM

garconn42 Desconectado

Mensajes: 6,185
Ingreso: Jul 2010
Mensaje: #33
RE: English Speak English
Merryu Chrismas and happy new year.
I hope these days the hjappinees be whit you and the people you love can be whit you. I hope you can be happi and the tires get of your face and you dont keping smile.Risax
24-12-2010 15:57 PM

chuliña Desconectado
Especialista del foro

Mensajes: 182
Ingreso: Nov 2010
Mensaje: #34
RE: English Speak English
Happy New Year! I'd like to read hundred of happy posts next year about all the good things that I'm sure will happen to all us. Best wishes to everybody!
30-12-2010 04:14 AM

bolboreta Desconectado

Mensajes: 4,289
Ingreso: Apr 2010
Mensaje: #35
RE: English Speak English
good chuliña!!! Happy New Year 2011!!! What wishes do you have for this year? I hope reach the job of my life and health

Todo pasa por y para algo...
Gracias S.J.T.
03-01-2011 14:46 PM

chuliña Desconectado
Especialista del foro

Mensajes: 182
Ingreso: Nov 2010
Mensaje: #36
RE: English Speak English
I wish a better year, if not the best year for all of us!
More blessings, health, good jobs and happiness to each and everyone.
07-01-2011 07:08 AM

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